Last weekend the east coast watched as a giant snowstorm swept through the neighborhoods. In Philadelphia, we spent the the day watching as the accumulating snow kept rising on the yard stick. With an official total of 26 inches around the King of Prussia area, brave civilians ventured out on foot, by ski, by car, and even by bicycle to get the full blizzard experience, first hand. Others grabbed their sleds, snowboards, and snow mobiles and headed for the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art for some snow day fun!
Luckily for the east coast, Monday brought some warmer temperatures and sunshine allowing for snow piles to begin melting immediately. Now, we are about one week post-blizzard and we can see dramatic decreases in the snow accumulations. With that said, we do still have a significant amount laying around. However, if the sun keeps shining like it has been we should be seeing grass again in no time!
Take a look at my photos taken during the blizzard.